South American Union

The union of South America. Where the brave live forever.

Ej, djeco mila, vite grane moje
poslusajte sto vam govorim
ej, ko ne ljubi i necuva svoje
Bozjeg lica nece vidjeti

hey my children..
listen to me
If you don’t kiss and care for your own.
You will never see God’s face.

rex tremendae
dona eis requiem
et lux perpetua

[democracy id=”61″]

26 thoughts on “South American Union

  1. we would teach each other on GNN forum…him through music, me through protocols…alot of slavs…OG slaves died to bring that illuminist/satanic book to print

  2. i know the video puts that red scare into people…no fear

    It’s no red dawn…just a psyop…like trip to NYC…i returned to east van a king…barack (blessing in hebrew) trip….sky marshal gave me a sandwich on way back to van

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