Motto: “By Sea Land and Air We Prosper”
STORM AREA 51 and give HOLLYWOOD HOGAN the Q anon TRUMP 20 med bed treatment. IF they really exist. plan for 23 is american disaster tourism and asking real polite, like a Canadian.
[democracy id=”8″]Motto: “By Sea Land and Air We Prosper”
STORM AREA 51 and give HOLLYWOOD HOGAN the Q anon TRUMP 20 med bed treatment. IF they really exist. plan for 23 is american disaster tourism and asking real polite, like a Canadian.
[democracy id=”8″]
I’ll learn this game…
give me time….kennedy stewart is mayor right now
me and tony kibbutzed and said the cheapest best idea to make vancouver great is a hollywood north sign on grouse mountain
remember bird is the word
A monopoly on currency is the biggest scam/$windle in history
see how fast your salo corporation 1000 year cars will look like:
civ II 1 city challenge
the guy who built sim 4 city vancouver is CITY PLANNER
seinfeld seinlanguage
This is the story of how, over the course of a decade, one person recreated the bustling metropolis of Vancouver and an entire airport in a computer game released in 2003.
in the end i don’t want any LEVELS
How many levels are there in Freemasonry?
The experience of becoming a member of a Masonic lodge is divided into three ceremonial stages known as “degrees.” These three degrees are loosely based upon the journeyman system, which was used to educate Medieval craftsmen.
What are Jesters group?
the secret society of jesters
it can either be a 1 city challenge
or all the cities can unite under the UN and build their space craft instead of war machines