
The phrase is ‘Only Unity Saves the Serbs‘, which translated into Serbian becomes ‘Samo Sloga Srbina Spasava’

Serbia recorded a government debt equivalent to 54.50 percent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product in 2018.

The Black Prophecy is an elaborate Hoax. Idemo u Raj not hell.

[democracy id=”91″]

19 thoughts on “Serbia

  1. For decades, the American Empire had been

    A powerful influence in the heart of Europe
    Resting on a legacy, their Bones men kept stability, order, and peace
    But not everyone bowed to this power

  2. [To Serbs being forced to convert]

    Look around you. Every Necromonger in this hall, every member of the Legion Vast that swept aside your defenses in one night, was once like you. Fought as feebly as you. Every Necromonger that lives today is a convert.

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