Pussy Riot, the Solzhenitsyns of a new Russia? Dr. Ilmi Umerov, the Soviet-era practice of punitive psychiatry is alive and well…PUTIN has No bad dreams…no PTSD…just an amoral Psychopath
[democracy id=”22″]Pussy Riot, the Solzhenitsyns of a new Russia? Dr. Ilmi Umerov, the Soviet-era practice of punitive psychiatry is alive and well…PUTIN has No bad dreams…no PTSD…just an amoral Psychopath
[democracy id=”22″]
Please, no Nadya avatar.
Have mercy on this old man
this old vor thief
Pay him back as he has paid others.
Pay him back double for his deeds.
Into his cup pour double what he poured.
To the measure of his boasting and wantonness
repay him in torment and grief;
what do we call this WMD stalemate ?
General Antonio?
M.A.D. Mutual assured destruction
Can these weapons be converted into plowshares?
my idea watching the children who play minecraft
these weapons could move mountains like Jesus prophecied
to mine resources for a space fleet
Putin deserves 4 years in prison….double Nadya’s sentence
PSYOPS lesson 1: Nostalgia
this costume from civilization 5
nostalgia for better times in the past in russia
Nadya must wear it
What is conspicuous consumption and why does it matter?
In 1899, the economist Thorstein Veblen observed that silver spoons and corsets were markers of elite social position. In Veblen’s now famous treatise The Theory of the Leisure Class, he coined the phrase ‘conspicuous consumption’ to denote the way that material objects were paraded as indicators of social position and status.
U were on my SONAR
hot tramp, i love u so
1 look?
i don’t think so