15 thoughts on “Japan

  1. Kimigayo (ja. 君が代, pron. [kʲimʲiɡa̠ꜜjo̞] “kee-mee-gah-yoh”; “His Imperial Majesty’s Reign”) is the national anthem of Japan

    Poetic translation
    (by the Basil Hall Chamberlain)

    Thousands of years of happy reign be thine;
    Rule on, my lord, until what are pebbles now
    By ages united to mighty rocks shall grow
    Whose venerable sides the moss doth line.

  2. Psalm 4:3 How long will you people mock my honor,
    love what is worthless, chase after lies? Selah

    Ancient Japan Motto: 養正之心ヲ弘ム (Yōsei-no kokoro-wo hiromu) (Japanese: “spread the spirit of nurturing rightness”)

  3. What’s a derelict person?

    The definition of derelict is something that has become deserted or neglected or a person who is grossly negligent in fulfilling his duties. An example of derelict is a falling-down and rotted, abandoned house. An example of derelict is when you fail to pay your child support.

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