
To the brave — like Citizen Rose.
this anthem is in Irish language.

Ireland recorded a government debt equivalent to 75.40 percent of the country’s
Gross Domestic Product in 2016.

motto Hiberni Unanimes pro Deo Rege et Patria (“The Irish United for God, King, and Country”) 

[democracy id=”17″]

12 thoughts on “Ireland

  1. Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their …

    Sinead wants to know man who was in love with her in the 90’s….Kyle Smart the Cadet/Soldier

    Recorded as Smart and Smartman, this is an English surname. In origin it was either a medieval nickname surname for a brisk or active person, deriving from the Olde English pre 7th century word “smeart”, meaning quick, or it may be an occupational name for a person who was probably a handyman or similar.

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