
To the brave — like Citizen Rose.
this anthem is in Irish language.

Ireland recorded a government debt equivalent to 75.40 percent of the country’s
Gross Domestic Product in 2016.

motto Hiberni Unanimes pro Deo Rege et Patria (“The Irish United for God, King, and Country”) 

[democracy id=”17″]

12 thoughts on “Ireland

  1. Boadicea (Boudica) Between AD 61 and AD 63 Boadicea led her Iceni people to a glorious war against the Romans.

    Boudicca Quotes. “It takes skill to win a battle, but brains to win a war.” “What is deemed as “his-story” is often determined by those who survived to write it. In other words, history is written by the victors…Now, with the help of the Roman historian Tacitus, I shall tell you Queen Boudicca’s story, her-story……”

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