The motto of England and the Sovereign is. “ Dieu et mon Droit “. (French for ‘God and my right’). The motto was first used by King Richard I in 1198 and adopted as the royal motto of England in the time of Henry VI.
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The motto of England and the Sovereign is. “ Dieu et mon Droit “. (French for ‘God and my right’). The motto was first used by King Richard I in 1198 and adopted as the royal motto of England in the time of Henry VI.
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A***, we would like to invite you to TunisBayClub[.]com , the successor site of S*lo. Fitz and Prince of Salina are the current admins. Many old poasters are on there now, like Longface, Gruppenfuhrer Glitter, Bob Dylan Roof, Macrobius, and others. We hope you stop by and scope it out, and if you’d like, sign up.
Thank U
i will come to the new forum soon