
Soshy France


France recorded a government debt equivalent to 96 percent of the country’s
Gross Domestic Product in 2016. Debbie Soshy is real Joan of Arc for tweeting me. Marion Cotillard is false. Katy Perry is false. Madonna is false. Les Brigandes false. Madame President for 4 to 8 years….Vive Le France.

[democracy id=”42″]

20 thoughts on “France

  1. I think Debbie reached out to me because of Epstein’s lion king fantasies

    they want to kill all the cubs and kill all the males to put the women in heat

    and impregnate them

    like Jeffrey Epstein was doing in his New Mexico ranch

    20 women at a time

    judgement tarot

  2. Testosterone and Sperm count declining rapidly

    so we are protecting the cubs huh?

    old man Red Shield sent his feds on u?

    for illuminati trump card cremation

    the masons were in the basement

    doing what they do

    to the kids

    we want a new bishop of east van Pope Francis

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