52 thoughts on “Ethiopia

  1. When a city is conquered (Addis Ababa) , or acquired through a trade deal or other method, the player is prompted with up to four options of what to do with it:


    Annex the city into his/her empire
    Make the city a puppet
    Raze the city to the ground
    Liberate the city and give it back to its original owner

    Listen closely at the end where Tracey the peacemaker says: “Please stop, cuz i want y’all to LIVE”

  2. Revelation 6:5–6

    The third Horseman rides a black horse and is popularly understood to be Famine as the Horseman carries a pair of balances or weighing scales (Greek ζυγὸν, zygon), indicating the way that bread would have been weighed during a famine.

    The writer-philosopher George Santayana is credited with the phrase: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

    Kissinger tried to put the blame for the food crisis on the oil producing nations and the “energy crisis” they brought about and made it clear that the U.S. no longer …





  3. HOO AHH….no one is holding hands singing we are the WORLD now….black lives don’t matter….Tracey tells the truth NO LIVES MATTER




    my main man Jacob Rothschild the antichrist does my bidding

    without question

  4. Their lives matter to me…not Rothschild and the SOS

    Now America/Babylon/Great Satan’s chickens R coming home to roost:

    REVELATION 18:7 To the measure of her boasting and wantonness
    repay her in torment and grief;
    for she said to herself, ‘I sit enthroned as queen;
    I am no widow, and I will never know grief.’

    8 Therefore, her plagues will come in one day,
    pestilence, grief, and famine;
    she will be consumed by fire.
    For mighty is the Lord God who judges her.”

  5. the KISSinger of DEATH

    mr grand alpina lodge

    now u are dealing with someone BRILLIANT in the art of war and in the art of peace…..reading Tolstoy and Solzhenitzyn, not some dumb, stupid animal u can control with Psychological warfare

  6. UR Forgiven my Son…because u show remorse…and u have a conscience

    if u can lift ethiopia out of poverty with a 4 day workweek for full employment & freedom of currency so u can use African tally stick invention (Chinese Chopsticks are best dirt cheap tally stick)

  7. all our hood wants is a picture of ICE and meek king…and i will vouch for his leadership of Ethiopia…and YP will try to give back Ark mussolini stole…the meek will inherit the biggest, richest continent..the earth/clay

    no drama, no horroshow…..a comedy, romantic comedy…this another song that is good for black lives of black children

  8. i want tracey to prove black lives matter…with that ICE KOL KUTZ


    AND GOJO Ethiopian food picture…with a big thumbs up

    maybe in the summer when everyone is begging for ICE

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