9 thoughts on “Croatia

  1. Lijepa naša domovino

    Our Beautiful Croatia

    Lijepa naša domovino,
    Oj junačka zemljo mila,
    Stare slave djedovino,
    Da bi vazda sretna bila!
    Mila, kano si nam slavna,
    Mila si nam ti jedina.
    Mila, kuda si nam ravna,
    Mila, kuda si planina!
    Teci Savo, Dravo teci,
    Nit’ ti Dunav silu gubi,
    Sinje more svijetu reci,
    Da svoj narod Hrvat ljubi.
    Dok mu njive sunce grije,
    Dok mu hrašće bura vije,
    Dok mu mrtve grobak krije,
    Dok mu živo srce bije!

    Our beautiful homeland,
    O so fearless and gracious.
    Our fathers’ ancient glory,
    May you be blessed forever.
    Dear, you are our only glory,
    Dear, you are our only one,
    Dear, we love your plains,
    Dear, we love your mountains.
    Sava, Drava, keep on flowing,
    Danube, do not lose your vigour,
    Deep blue sea, tell the world,
    That a Croat loves his homeland.
    Whilst his fields are kissed by sunshine,
    Whilst his oaks are whipped by wild winds,
    Whilst his dear ones go to heaven,
    Whilst his live heart beats.

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