Bono = NWO Belfast (Novus Ordo) New Order of the Ages.
Belfast’s motto: “Pro Tanto Quid Retribuamus” (Latin: “What shall we give in return for so much”).
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10 thoughts on “Belfast”
There is a new Pope now….without a golden throne
On 30 January, 1972, British troops shot dead 13 civilians taking part in a civil rights march in Derry. A further 13 people were seriously wounded and one of them died later in hospital. The dead were all men aged between 17 and 41. The seriously wounded included a woman and a 15-year-old boy
Television cameras broadcast news across the world. The image of Catholic priest Fr Edward Daly waving a white handkerchief as he tried to help a wounded victim became one of the most memorable images from the Troubles.
thou shalt not kill will have eternal consequences….that shalt not kill a human being….if damon can kill an alien with his math doodles let him….in this war of the worlds, the irish man tom cruise envisions
Edward Stevenson is a Northern Irish farmer. He has been Grand Master of the Orange Order since his election in January 2011.
There is a new Pope now….without a golden throne
On 30 January, 1972, British troops shot dead 13 civilians taking part in a civil rights march in Derry. A further 13 people were seriously wounded and one of them died later in hospital. The dead were all men aged between 17 and 41. The seriously wounded included a woman and a 15-year-old boy
Television cameras broadcast news across the world. The image of Catholic priest Fr Edward Daly waving a white handkerchief as he tried to help a wounded victim became one of the most memorable images from the Troubles.
Revelation 13:13
And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
Napalm Girl, caught in a moment of desperation in 1972, encapsulated the terror of the U.S. war in Vietnam. The legend of Phan Thi Kim Phuc, …
The High Priestess one world wedding plan gives me cold feet….
Stick to Mi Plan (my plan) Joe….wwg1wga
that’s the 1 world wedding invitation….but there are 3 major marian shrines in the EU, Lourdes, Fatima & Medjugorje
Hoo Aaahh…
U can’t escape my satanic grip skull and bone no
that irish pride….
Mozart rev 13 for our irish catholic brother
17 year old sean
can u bring him back pius???
6th day DNA human computers….so sinead’s son remembers his mom??
is that really how G made us? human computers?? who goes to eternal erasure of DNA? Th grand master of the orange men?
thou shalt not kill will have eternal consequences….that shalt not kill a human being….if damon can kill an alien with his math doodles let him….in this war of the worlds, the irish man tom cruise envisions
Edward Stevenson is a Northern Irish farmer. He has been Grand Master of the Orange Order since his election in January 2011.