
MOTTO: ArmeniaՄեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ (Mek Azg, Mek Mshakouyt)
One Nation, One Culture

The motives behind the Armenian Genocide were primarily economic, not religious. The material loss caused to Armenians as a result of the Genocide was four times larger than Turkey’s foreign debt at the time,” lawyer, political scientist Izabella Muradyan says. He research of Turkey’s legal documents reveals facts that often skip the attention of historians.

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4 thoughts on “Armenia

  1. who profits from this war? RR…..rothschild and rockefeller the richest illuminist families….rock sells m16’s roth sells ak 47’s

    protocols talk about selling armaments

  2. PROTOCOL NO. 7 Object of the intensification of armaments. Ferments, discords and hostility all over…

    “Armaments, universal debt, and planned obsolescence—those are the three pillars of Western prosperity. If war, waste, and moneylenders were abolished, you’d collapse. And while you people are overconsuming the rest of the world sinks more and more deeply into chronic disaster.”

    Quote by Aldous Huxley

  3. The conspiracy against Turkey was organized by the British masonic agent Buxton. The masonic journalist Ahmet Riza, who had been
    expelled from Turkey, became speaker of the new parliament. He was
    the foremost leader of the Young Turks (the Donmeh Group). After
    the successful “revolution”, the freemasons exhibited their version of
    humanitarianism – they began killing their political enemies. All
    high-sounding slogans were forgotten.

    When the new masonic government had been established, the
    representatives of some fifty lodges founded in Istanbul the Grand
    Orient Ottoman, whose grand master became Mahomed Orphi Pascha.
    The political situation in Turkey was controlled by the Jewish
    masonic leaders Georges Sursock, David Cohen, and Raphaelo Ricci.
    These three agitated for the murder of over a million Armenians in
    The Minister of the Interior Mehmet Talaat Pascha was
    primarily responsible. He was killed by an Armenian in 1921.


    The high-ranking freemasons and members of the government
    Enver Pascha Bey and Mehmet Talaat Pascha took power in 1913.
    When the following year they entered Turkey in the war on the side
    of Germany, against the orders of the Grand Orient, the international
    masonic elite was furious (N. Eggis, “Frimureriet” / “Freemasonry”,
    Halsingborg, 1933, pp. 145-146). The disobedient “brother” Enver
    Pascha was murdered on 4 August 1922 in Baldschuwan.
    Under the sign of Scorpio – on 12 November 1912 – a masonic
    anarchist, Manuel Pardinas, killed the liberal Spanish Prime Minister
    Jose Canalejas Mendez, while he was strolling on Puerta del Sol in
    Madrid. Thereafter the assassin took his own life.
    Carol I of Romania was poisoned on 10 October 1914 by the Romanian freemasons because of his support of Germany. The freemasons
    were so eager that they announced the murder in St. Petersburg
    before it actually had happened.
    The freemasons thus deposed, murdered, or appointed monarchs,
    high-ranking officials, prime ministers and presidents at will. Among
    their victims are Louis XVI, Leopold II of Austria, Gustavus III of
    Sweden, Dom Miguel and Dom Petro of Portugal, Don Carlos of Spain,
    Carlo Alberto of Sardinia, France II of Naples, the Grand Duke of
    Tuscany, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, the dukes of Modena and Parma
    and many more.

    There are freemasons that in ecstasy will raise their great knives
    and shout in Hebrew: “Nekam Adonai!” – The Revenge of Jahve!
    (Sofia Toll, “The Brothers of the Night”, Moscow, 2000, p. 343) The
    slogan of the Scottish Rite was: “Victory or death!”



    March 18, 2015

    Hon. Christopher H. Smith, Chairman, Commission on Security and
    Cooperation in Europe…………………………………… 1
    Hon. Steve Cohen, Commissioner, Commission on Security and
    Cooperation in Europe…………………………………… 4
    Hon. Sheldon Whitehouse, Commissioner, Commission on Security and
    Cooperation in Europe…………………………………… 14


    Hon. Brad Sherman (D-30), a Member of Congress from the State of
    California…………………………………………….. 20


    Dr. Taner Akcam, Professor of History, Robert Aram, Marianne
    Kaloosdian and Stephen and Marian Mugar Chair in Armenian
    Genocide Studies, Clark University……………………….. 6
    Kenneth V. Hachikian, Chairman, Armenian National Committee of
    America……………………………………………….. 8
    Van Z. Krikorian, Co-Chairman, Board of Trustees of the Armenian
    Assembly of America…………………………………….. 10
    Dr. Elizabeth H. Prodromou, Visiting Associate Professor of
    Conflict Resolution, The Fletcher School, Tufts University….. 15
    Karine Shnorhokian, Representative, The Genocide Education
    Project……………………………………………….. 21


    Prepared statement of Hon. Christopher H. Smith……………… 30
    Prepared statement of Hon. Sheldon Whitehouse……………….. 32
    Prepared statement of Dr. Taner Akcam………………………. 33
    Prepared statement of Kenneth V. Hachikian………………….. 35
    Prepared statement of Van Z. Krikorian……………………… 38
    Prepared statement of Dr. Elizabeth H. Prodromou…………….. 46
    Biography of Karine Shnorhokian……………………………. 51
    Material for the Record…………………………………… 52

    It’s a long read

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