
Maradona = New Order in Argentina

In July 2015 the DAIA (Delegation of Jewish Associations in Argentina) expressed its “deep concern” over what it described as the “unfortunate manifestations” of President Cristina Kirchner, who recommended to young people in the neighborhood of Villa Lugano in Buenos Aires to read “The Merchant of Venice” by William Shakespeare, in order to understand “the vulture funds” (alluding to a decade-long financial battle to collect $1.5bn from Argentina on defaulted foreign bonds held by a US hedge fund).

2 thoughts on “Argentina

  1. English Translation

    Mortals! Hear the sacred cry;

    Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!

    Hear the noise of broken chains.

    See noble Equality enthroned.

    The United Provinces of the South

    Have now displayed their worthy throne.

    And the free peoples of the world reply;

    We salute the great people of Argentina!


    And the free peoples of the world reply;

    We salute the great people of Argentina!

    (repeat previous two lines)


    May the laurels be eternal

    That we knew how to win.

    Let us live crowned with glory,

    Or swear to die gloriously.

    (repeat three times)

    Lyrics: Vincente López y Planes, 1813

    Music: Blas Parera, 1813

    Adopted: 1813

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