63 thoughts on “African Union

  1. mini mengele’s….dr mengela’s puppet doctors…evil inc.

    Research Demonstrates that HIV Infection May be Inhibited by Elderberry, Cinnamon, and Green Tea Extracts
    HerbalScience | Aug 19, 2009

  2. this is meritocracy. not might makes right….paris is smartest….a revolutionary has to be wise to avoid the killing fields. fake own death like prodigy learned from tupac

  3. P has economics degree. knows hw bush voodoo economics like me & My cousin from Polish school

    african school economics is the tally stick. first african money. guy fawkes money

    no man is fit to serve the world alone

  4. paris wants to buy kids free breakfast like the panthers. J edgar Hoover said free breakfast for african kids was the most dangerous part of their ideology

  5. slaves to the bottle…it’s like schindlers ‘s list. how many free kids breakfast could i have bought for that 300 dollar bottle of kristal?

  6. Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused tech billionaire Bill Gates of starting an Ebola epidemic in The Congo….12 monkeys plague coming unless these women….woman up…

    guerilla funk is the truth about the bioweapons.

    Paris was the first to talk about the aids plague…alpha the african community fears..

    nothing to fear but fear itself…he’s in the killing fields if there is a civil war

    the african school of economics is tally sticks…mr taliman

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