3 thoughts on “New Orleans

  1. Perhaps one of the earliest examples of Psychological Warfare was attributed to “Alexander the Great of Macedonia. Alexander had conquered most of the known world during his reign. With each region he conquered he left behind soldiers to keep control of the newly conquered area. Eventually, there came a point when Alexander realized that he had stretched his army too thin and was now in danger of losing to a large opposing force. Alexander’s only option was to retreat and regroup forces with the armies he left behind. However, to do so would certainly incite the opposing force to pursue him and very possibly capture or defeat his now smaller army.

    Army of Giants


    Alexander knew that if he could intimidate the opposing force they would be scared to follow his army. Alexander instructed his armorers to make several oversized armor breastplates and helmets that would fit “giants”, men 7 to 8 feet tall. As Alexander and his forces withdrew during the night they left behind the oversized armor. The oversized armor was of course found by the opposing force who then believed that they had come close to engaging in a battle with giants. A battle that they surely would have lost. The oversized armor coupled with the stories they had heard from travelers of the savagery of Alexander’s army caused enough doubt and fear that they elected not to pursue Alexander’s army.

  2. “Freely you received, freely you give”. In Matthew 21 we find Jesus entering Jerusalem, with the crowds shouting “Hosanna” to him. Then he went to the temple …

    Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers

    You have received free of charge; give free of charge. … have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

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