6 thoughts on “San Francisco

  1. Team America letter, Papa Lenny:

    “I remember not being bothered as you traded on my name among others to appear witty. I never mind being of service in satire and silliness.

    “I do mind when anybody who doesn’t have a child, doesn’t have a child at war, or isn’t or won’t be in harm’s way themselves is saying that ’there is no shame in not voting if you don’t know what you are talking about’.

    “You guys are talented young guys, but alas, primarily young guys. It’s all well to joke about me or whomever you choose.

    “Not so well to encourage irresponsibility that will ultimately lead to the disembowelment, mutilation, exploitation and death of innocent people around the world.

    “The vote matters to them. No one’s ignorance, including a couple of hip cross-dressers’, is an excuse.”

    Penn signed off with a four letter word and offered to show the pair around Baghdad.

    — Sean Penn

  2. John 7:13 Still, no one spoke openly about him because they were afraid of the Jews.

    in 2003, it happened three times on the set of The Passion of the Christ. Lead actor Jim Caviezel has claimed he was “lit up like a Christmas tree”

  3. Sean Penn – Wikipedia

    His older brother is musician Michael Penn. His younger brother, actor Chris Penn, died in 2006. His paternal grandparents were Jewish emigrants from the Russian Empire, while his mother is a Catholic of Irish and Italian descent.

    “Whoever eats up, robs, and steals the nourishment of another, that man commits as great a murder… as he who starves a man or utterly undoes him. Such does a usurer, and sits the while safe on his stool, when he ought rather to be hanging on the gallows, and be eaten by as many ravens as he has stolen guilders, if only there were so much flesh on him, that so many ravens could stick their beaks in and share it. Meanwhile, we hang the small thieves…. Little thieves are put in the stocks, great thieves go flaunting in gold and silk…. Therefore is there, on this earth, no greater enemy of man (after the devil) than a gripe-money, and usurer, for he wants to be God over all men…. a usurer and money-glutton, such a one would have the whole world perish of hunger and thirst, misery and want, so far as in him lies, so that he may have all to himself, and every one may receive from him as from a God, and be his serf for ever… Usury is a great huge monster, like a werewolf, who lays waste all… And since we break on the wheel, and behead highwaymen, murderers and housebreakers, how much more ought we to break on the wheel and kill…. hunt down, curse and behead all usurers.”

    (Martin Luther, excerpted from a footnote in Marx’s “Capital,” volume I.)

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