
Bob Dylan = Novus Ordo Minneapolis (Hurricane all over again) The City’s motto “En Avant” (French – meaning ‘Forward’)

As Marcus Aurelius would write in his diary at some point during this horrible plague, history has a way of repeating itself. “To bear in mind constantly that all of this has happened before,” he said in Meditations. “And will happen again—the same plot from beginning to end, the identical staging. Produce them in your mind, as you know them from experience or from history: the court of Hadrian, of Antoninus. The courts of Philip, Alexander, Croesus. All just the same. Only the people different.”

9 thoughts on “Minneapolis

  1. “A riot is the language of the unheard.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said this during a speech he called “The Other America.” What you probably won’t hear, is the question he asked that followed: “What is it that America has failed to hear?”

  2. ONCE AGAIN CANADA HAS TO INTERVENE…send in the peacekeeper

    annie bosko spock mindmeld to give america victory = make an american tv again…an HDTV that lasts like a zippo….then the second and third world will accept pax americana

    she’s been reading psywarrior 2

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