Pink Nation

Denver Lamarch (Queer Nation Rainbow Fuhrer)

Although this is a dictatorship, we will allow a vote just for show like Dictators of the past:


Although the queer nation doesn’t have it’s own government currency, they are debt free.

[democracy id=”40″]

4 thoughts on “Pink Nation

  1. queer progress FLAG has every race religion and creed on it….indigo/patriotism for soldiers…red for natives…yellow for asians…pink for women…light blue for the boys in blue…brown for east india ghandi’s black and white etc etc etc


    The official opinion on gay season is that it should be gay day, madonna’ birthday

    and black day on martin luther king anniversary for blacks

    and so on

    even let the radicalizing harry potter demon daniel radcliffe have his white day

  3. I won’t wear DERELICTE

    holy jeans



    so much waste new holy mugatu jeans

    every river in mexico polluted from jeans production

    looking in the mirror right now


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