Asian Union

Why is there no Asian Union? – Quora Can an Asian Union, along the lines of the current European Union, be created? 
BRITISH COLUMBIA: The first lady of Social Credit was the link that connected the party’s prophet, W.A.C. Bennett, to its final messiah, Vander Zalm.

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24 thoughts on “Asian Union

  1. Dear Kristin, how do i love thee?

    let me count the ways…

    1 million, 1 billion, 1 trillion, 1 quadrillion ways…

    c’mon joe, is this gonna work? get the leader of Japan out of the gutter?

    she’s so HOT….what in the heck would she want with a failed messiah like me?

    my family hates me…my people in japan hate me, a gaijin, does even GOD love me?

    i’m seriously starting to doubt it.

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