
25 thoughts on “Antivirals

  1. I want Africa to bless the Chinese for their chopsticks….when broken they make an
    uncounterfitable form of currency….just as good as bitcoin but without the wasted energy of constant computer processing

  2. Africa needs the Keys….so badly right now…she has the brains to be a God Empress, healing the sick….but switzerland beats no courage no crown….G chose AK when she talked about gangsta rap judeo/masonic conspiracy against the blacks

  3. A city falls into Civil Disorder when the number of unhappy citizens exceeds the number of happy citizens. Growth and production cease while a city is in disorder. Recently conquered cities are also in civil disorder for a turn.

    Remedies for disorder include:

    turning citizens into entertainers
    imposing Martial Law by moving military units into the city under Anarchy, Despotism, Monarchy or Communism
    building a Temple, Cathedral, or Colosseum
    increasing the amount of trade used for Luxuries

  4. REV 18:8 Therefore, her plagues will come in one day,
    pestilence, grief, and famine;
    she will be consumed by fire.
    For mighty is the Lord God who judges her.”

    Hooper argues that both AIDS viruses, HIV-1 and HIV-2, first infected humans via contaminated oral poliovirus vaccines (OPV). He claims these …

  5. AIDS the ultimate manufactured ethnic virus used to depopulate – ORIGIN!!! *LINK*
    By:TNT MadDog
    Date: 10/7/2005, 2:05 pm

    Aids Depop-The Birthplace Of AIDS & The Kaposi’s Sarcoma Epidemic-The Virus Cancer Program 1964-1980;id=2957

    Either all, or nearly all of the AIDS virus, on this planet,
    can be traced back to the United Nations administered Small Pox vaccine.
    If you make a graph of the number of cases of aids per year,
    that graph does not regress back gradually to one case.
    It regresses back to thousands of infections, starting at the time of the United Nations administered Small Pox vaccine, in Africa.

    It is also significant that The United Nations had published a plan to reduce the world’s population.

    The origin of The AIDS virus, also appears to be a United Nations
    supervised facility, at the army’s biowarfare lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

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